Can we say it noble? I think Stupid is the correct one...
*That's why I wrote in bracket for the title of this post
Hohoho..I hate writing this..What's wrong with this girl?
Kena gune2 ke?Do my friends and I have to believe this "kena gune2"?
That guy is s*** man like ass....
Why do I have such a stupid girlfriend like her? Ha...?
U people judge by yourself
I'm gonna asking You guys...
This man was cheating her for a long long long time and many times...
this "silly lily"...*owhhh I can't stand looking at her* still admired him until now..
Forgive all of his faults..Damnnnnn
*If ak, Wawa and reasonable woman out there cheating is something that can't forgive all my life!!! TRULY DEEPLY MADLY!!!
Curang adalah benda yg plg Xbleh maafkan!!
This is definitely Decadence and Debauchery!!!!!!!!!
Was it so difficult for us to be loyal???
Owhhh man!!!!
Continue with the story about this s*** man...
He's womanizer......Handsome? Jauh panggang dari api!!!!!! I tell u the truth..
This man has nothing that to be proud of..Nk kte semayang ckp 6...Huh?
I dun think he is......
Stable? Owhhh man!! He doesn't has enuff money. Well sometimes depends to his "silly lily"...amik duit pompuan
*Yg si 'silly lily' tu plak..arghhh lautan api sggp ku redah*
Please la weiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
She has good appearance..Could u pls find a guy that deserves U....
I have crush I mean I love someone..We broke off because of stupid reason, unnecessary reason.
*Last time I was still young so I dunno how to think and act like an adult.
My fault!! So I just said what I want to say..Huhuhuhu
Act, I dun tolerate much but only with him I do tolerate..I dunno because I think He is someone that worth living for..Worth for me to sacrifice ego aku...
Probably I dun want to regret anymore for whole of my life!!!
So, in this situation I thought a woman can do tolerate...Worth!!!
Whether it is worth or not U need to consider this;
1) Absolutely!!! You didn't broke off because He cheated on You then, U can
still go back to ur Ex-Bf.
2) He's kind to you. Kind doesn't means that sweat talker.
Be careful, my little girl!!
3) He's not the one that today said that He love u and tomorrow said that
he didn't love u anymore.
*Confused guy like this,Gosh!! It doesn't worth for u to go back with him.
4) He's not womanizer!! Tell u the truth once die jd womanizer!! It's difficult
to change!! even U r married!! Trust me there's a lot of cases out there!!
5) He's stable!!! in and out, zahir n batin
6) He's not a gay!! Mestila if he's a gay then U all na*** pom He didn't has
any feeling, ma!!! Huhuhuhu so useless ok
7) will continue later
*To all my friends-Feel free to add........
x.o.X.o gOssip girl