Who love to go to seminar, Colloqium, workshop and sort of things? Huhuhuhuhu. To be an academia and 'jeng jeng' requires us to do that. Hahahaha....In the future. The reason why we have to do that because sometimes the society, your colleagues or boss found that U're needed to be apart of them since U're good, since you'd able to give them ideas, opinions, criticize.Yeah something like that. I found it when I work as an GRA to the Deputy Dean and of course She is a 'jeng jeng' person. I think people want her to be in most of the events because of the above reasons...Kakoiii!!! When we GRA has asked to go to Nottingham for attending the training for Research Workshop and We met lots of 'jeng jeng' people there.Hurmm. It's a great opportunity. The Research Innovation Week that we joined in 3 days give lots of knowledge to us since we are Graduate Research Assistant. Besides, We should thank to our boss, my boss for her hardwork to make this real and to our leader of the research for allowed us to go there. Even, there were something that we were not contented with but at least we appreciate for the price that the research project grant paid to us. It's a large amount in fact.Huhuhuhuhu..
Last but not least, Gambate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just almost forgot something, last time I went to library and one of the students called me by pointing her hand 'ESZ,ESZ'...Yes I am GRA for ESZ. It sounds funny actually.Can U imagined that..Maybe there's such words written in my head.Hahhahahhaha..But, Xkisah pom..I love ESZ....Be apart of the team..A great opportunity.
cool nya jadi GRA.heheh.. :) dpt experience mcm2 kan..
hurmm ya i feel like jeng3 gak..hahaha...rse proud kn ble g sne..at the same time byk giler input yg kita dpt.huhu suke2..nxt time klu ad lg cnfrm ak nk g...
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